I’m sure some of you have purchased a trampoline with safety enclosure over the last several years. For me, this is a new purchase for my young daughter. I have been researching these trampolines with safety enclosures over that past several days and there are lots of options indeed. Amazon, Wayfair, Ebay, Sears, Overstock and the online store list continues. The biggest thing for me when researching the trampolines was weight limit and delivery time.
What I found were most of the 12′-14′ trampolines had weight limits less than 300lbs. This wasn’t ideal for me as I want to jump on the trampoline and most likely my wife too. Not to mention if we both want to jump with our daughters, this would definitely exceed that weight limit. Now, today is 12-17-2016 so getting this trampoline before Christmas is mandatory, as what’s the point if it’s days after! That is eight days from today, you would think that most of these large shopping sites could get this item delivered in eight days or less.
Well after a great researching performance I found the trampoline that I believe will be great for my daughters, my wife and myself. One that the girls and their friends can jump on for years. One that will also hold up to momma and daddy jumping too. Super Jumper makes a 12′ Trampoline with Safety Enclosure that has a 330lb weight limit. This is the ideal trampoline for my needs, and finding it at Wayfair.com, comes with 2 day FREE shipping. Yes, you read that right, 2 day FREE shipping!
Needless to say, I purchased this trampoline and truly hope that it is everything that I have hyped myself up to expect! Growing up as a child and teenager I spent countless hours jumping on my trampolines. My friends and I made many positive memories jumping and playing and bonding. I hope that this trampoline will be a positive gift for my daughters and will allow them ample time to spend outside, jumping, playing and bonding with each other. For myself and my wife, I hope it keeps our bodies in shape and minds happy!

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